𝗣𝗼𝗹𝘆𝗴𝗼𝗻 𝘇𝗸𝗘𝗩𝗠 Massive Airdrops ?

4 min readMay 11, 2023


An important message from a Polygon Network co-founder appeared on Twitter last night. It leaves little room for doubt about a future airdrop for ZKEVM users


His words seem clear and I can’t imagine Polygon playing airdrop rumors game and not rewarding its community.


Should you use #zkEVM mainnet ? Yes !

Should we do it now ? That’s up to you.

Gas fees are extremely high so I choose to wait. But volume & consistency can be very important for airdrop.

If you want to start now, here is a tutorial to get started while waiting for more dAPP.

Polygon zkEVM chain supports #ETH as native token for the Gas Fee for all the transactions.

So you will have to bridge funds from #Ethereum to zkEVM.

At the time of writing, bridge fees are around $40-$50



Go to

  • A pop-up will appear, press ‘’Continue with the mainnet”
  • In second window, click ‘Add to metamask’ to add zkEVM to your wallet.
  • Choose amount to bridge, type ‘I UNDERSTAND’

Now just perform bridge task.


Go to :


Swap some tokens, Add liquidity to the pools, Deposit your LP token in farming.

For example :

  • SWAP some ETH for Matic
  • POOL add tokens in ETH-MATIC pair
  • FARM deposit your LP token in farming


To perform this task we use OVIX.

This one is important, because it could make your eligible for their own airdrop !

A $0VX token is confirmed.

Go to

For example :

  • Supply 15 Matic
  • Borrow 10 Matic
  • Repay your position
  • Withdraw your funds

With this basic tutorial, you have already :

▫️Bridged funds,

▫️Made several transactions and,

▫️Interacted with several smart contracts.

These were necessary conditions for the #Arbitrum airdrop.

With the following links, you can keep up to date with future dAPPs coming to Polygon zkEVM :

Uniswap and AAVE have already stated their willingness to be integrated on zkEVM and should be available within a few weeks.

Immutable and Polygon Labs are partnering to build Immuable zkEVM, a dedicated gaming blockchain 🎮 using zero-knowledge technology


Deploy your own node on Polygon zkEVM is possible. But be careful, it requires some technical knowledge.

Use a guide made by someone you trust. And if possible rely on the official Polygon documentation

Production Node :

Hope this thread was helpfull.

If you found this strategy usefull, please don’t hesitate to share.

See you soon for the next strategy.

